Own Your Creativity – Take it Home or Fade into Invisibility
The home of our creativity is our imagination, and this hub is a gateway to inspiration; you set the artistic outcomes. Explore the author’s world, where books, journals, and poetry come alive. Unwrap the art of crafting paper flowers, discover the joy of DIY home and event-decor, and burrow into the timeless tradition of sewing. Find your purpose, engage, and let the light within flood your life.

A Fredericka – Author
Discover an insightful world of books, journals, poetry, inspiration, and personal growth, where your quality of life matters, understanding Creativity Erases Invisibility.
It’s Blooming Paper
Visit the Its Blooming Paper website, and subscribe to creativity’s call. Exquisite paper flowers, beautifully crafted to tell your story at home or special events.

Flourish in Creativity’s Magic
Creativity enhances our lives in a world where conformity is king. It empowers, inspires, and frees us from the dread of a stifled imagination. Creativity Report is coming soon.
Always Andrea Sewing
Discover the time-honoured tradition of sewing, and explore the creativity it offers through our DIY fashion and home decor ideas. Visit Always Andrea for more.

Give Your Passion a Permanent Home
Creativity or Routine
Although creativity and routine show as opposing qualities, together, they create a fitting partnership. The former offers vision, new ideas and outlooks, often faster than we can absorb. Meanwhile, the latter serves us with tools to plan, focus, and keep discipline. Follow the path to your heart.
Ordinary to Extraordinary
Resourcefulness aims at what’s to come, overlooking things seen, and supplies us with the power to mould the usual into remarkable, the chief test of what’s unique. It’s sincere charge is; boost the ordinary, make it extraordinary, validating the worth of our ideas – much to our delight.
The Heart of the Matter
Creatives have a distinct viewpoint, expressing themselves in artistic ways – often admired, sometimes misread. Self-expression in their chosen forms set them on inspiring journeys. They grasp creativity with an eager spirit, viewing it as the freedom to grow and expand their horizons.
Live Your Gift